
A Corporate Fascist Crime Wave
The United States of America

That Republic met with its tragic and shameful end in the Halls of a Bankruptcy Court on the Ninth Day of March, Nineteen-Hundred and Thirty-three (09 Mar 1933). This historical action has never been hidden nor denied. The Act has been memorialized by every sitting president on the first day of each year thereafter, in his Continuing Executive Order to hold its effect. This signing is not known to, nor reported by, the White House Press. The Press Secretary is also unaware.

Crime Wave

The is the reduction of government, ab initio, to a writing.

Inherent within the generation of Congress is its absolute compulsion as the Corpus of The People, Its Land, and Bearing of Every Other Institution subordinate to it. Without such body there would be no Court, President, nor any other such artifact to serve. In this sense, it alone is the individual Conscience of The People, as with their faith.


Insofar as those Members of Congress, in 1933, had no place to turn, and no home to exalt, but one failed; they applied logic to their woes and—acting through their own treasury—signed the binding obligations necessary to capitalize the operations of a central government by the issuance of notes. They only then needed an issuer. The lawyers—then at hand—formally devised such an issuer as an ethereal corporate entity. To avoid any misunderstanding, it formalized the new corporate entity as, "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," a legal fiction of original and first degree.

This master umbrella was glorified in its fresh and new corporate administration. It is those same agencies, or their amended successors, operating to this day. An entire body of emergency law was postulated at the federal source, as their Administrative Agencies Act of 1933, that we see belying our lives today.

When Americans take an oath to, or before, The Constitution, their ritual is strictly in remembrance of that which once was, and is no longer. The Oath is not intended to trick anyone, nor deceive, but is actually the residual of the embattled republic that may one day miraculously re-emerge—given a nation's longing and heart for a land's calling and destiny. This is our shapen and everlasting prayer.